Wisconsin Youth Company


Please note: Families are varied and the use of the word Parent(s) refers to the adult(s) who are responsible for the child(ren).

At Wisconsin Youth Company, we strive to provide the best possible program for our children. We will keep all child and Parent information confidential unless a signed release is obtained and used only for the purpose of guarding the health and safety of our children. All staff with access to children records are trained to not discuss and/or disclose personal information regarding the children and Parents. It is our goal to protect our children and Parents’ rights to confidentiality.

Account Access

In order to protect the privacy of our Parents and ensure the safety of our children, Wisconsin Youth Company restricts access to account information. Only authorized account holders and designated account users (all as listed on the parent portal account) may access information that is not publicly available through our website and marketing materials. Account holders are liable for the account and are able to request information and make changes to the account. Authorized users are individuals authorized by the account holder to access information only. Authorized users may not make changes to the account.

If account holders wish to authorize a user or another account holder on their account (including a spouse) written authorization must be sent to their administrative office. Parents should send an email using the email address we have on file. Wisconsin Youth Company may request that additional paperwork be completed. Parents who are not designated account holders may not manage an account. Any individual responsible for a child, even a Parent, that does not have the designated access as described above will not have any information disclosed to them.

Requests for Information

Requests for information about a child from outside agencies or organizations, including the school, require Parent account holder permission. Requests without the account holder’s authorization are denied unless court-ordered. Parents should contact their administrative office for more information and the required permission form.


Staff who feel that a child would benefit from assistance through another agency or would like assistance in working with a child at the program site are instructed to follow the Progressive Guidance Procedure, discussing the concern with their supervisor and soliciting Parents involvement.

Research Studies

Occasionally, local universities or colleges will request that Wisconsin Youth Company allow students to participate in a research study. All research studies using enrolled children as subjects require specific approval from the executive director and Wisconsin Youth Company will provide advance notification to Parents. Parents will have the option of declining participation in any research study. In no case will a study release confidential information about children or their Parents.

Photo Release Policy

A photo release must be authorized during registration to grant Wisconsin Youth Company permission to publish a child’s image in its brochures, displays or other printed material and on its websites, Wisconsin Youth Company social media sites, or Wisconsin Youth Company group emails for purposes of promoting the programs. Children’s names are not used when their images are displayed on our website or social media or in widely distributed print materials. Parents may request, in writing, removal of their child’s image from Wisconsin Youth Company’s website, social media sites and promotional material, in which case his/her image will be removed no later than seven days from receipt of the request. Email image removal requests or other comments and concerns about photos to info@wisconsinyouthcompany.org. The photo release also includes Parent’s permission to allow photos to be taken for site uses only (e.g. bulletin boards in the room, art project or newsletters). As part of the photo release parents release Wisconsin Youth Company, its employees, officers, directors and successors from any liability or claim related to the publication or disclosure for which they grant permission. Consent for the photo release options is completely voluntary.

Children and Parents may want to take photos of program activities and events. Wisconsin Youth Company is not responsible for the use of photos taken by program participants or their families.