Immersion Camp
Please note: Families are varied and the use of the word Parent(s) refers to the adult(s) who are responsible for the child(ren).
Program Philosophy
Immersion Camp provides opportunities for campers to get creative, step out of their comfort zone and use their imagination. Campers learn the value of teamwork and recognizing their strengths in a safe and inclusive environment.
Program Description
Wisconsin Youth Company offers theater camp in Dane County. Theater camp is a fun, enriching and educational experience for new and experienced campers entering grades 3-9. Activities are developmentally appropriate and offer an opportunity for campers to try something new and step outside their comfort zone. Campers work towards a final performance for family and friends at the end of the program.
Supervision and Staffing
In the interest of safety and quality programming, staff are always required to know the whereabouts of each camper. Theater camp uses an organizational-wide system to track campers within the program that includes knowing the location, names and number of campers in attendance. Campers will be provided a “tag” on their first day of program which assists in this tracking. Parents and campers are encouraged to become familiar with this system and to discuss questions or concerns with the program staff.
Wisconsin Youth Company hires trained, experienced and engaging staff to lead our immersion camp. Wisconsin Youth Company takes pride in ensuring that our staff are presented with enrichment opportunities and plenty of training to prepare them for the summer.
Theater camp is staffed with a director who holds experience in leading youth theater productions. Additional support is provided by immersion counselors.
Ratios and Regulations
During camp hours, ratios are often 1:12 or lower. Each group is led by a director; however, camp counselors provide additional support and supervision that allows for lower ratios for specific groups and activities. There will always be at least one staff member on-site who is certified in first aid and CPR.
What to Bring to Immersion Camp
More information regarding what to bring to camp will be provided through the introductory letter; however, a few important items are below:
Personal Property
Please make sure to label all items clearly with your camper’s name. Campers are discouraged from bringing items beyond what is needed for the camp day. Wisconsin Youth Company is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal property, including clothing and electronics.
Appropriate Clothing
Campers should wear comfortable clothing that allows freedom of movement. Some camp activities take place in buildings without air conditioning or outdoors. Campers should dress appropriately for warm temperatures. Campers may get messy; it is recommended that you send your camper with an extra set of clothing. If a field trip is scheduled for Immersion Camp, camp t-shirts must be worn while on field trips. T-shirts will be provided to campers prior to the field trip.
Appropriate footwear for camp includes gym shoes with socks or sandals with a heel strap. Please do not send your camper to camp wearing flip flop sandals. Flip flop footwear does not stay on, often breaks and can cause injury.
Lunch and Snacks
Campers will be busy all day, please make sure to pack a nutritious nut-free lunch every day. Lunches must not require refrigeration or microwaving. A morning and afternoon nut-free snack is provided each day. Milk is provided with snack and lunch.
Electronics in Program
Cell phones and Personal Electronic Devices: Wisconsin Youth Company does not allow campers to use their personal cell phones or electronic devices when participating in our programs. Campers carrying cell phones will be asked to place them in their backpack during program time.
Immersion Camp Enrollment
Theater Immersion Camp offers two-week enrollment. Daily enrollment or prorated weeks are not available. Weekly enrollment includes all special events and field trips.
Immersion Camp Arrival and Departure
Please make sure to sign-in your camper(s) as soon as you arrive to camp. Campers must be signed into camp by Parents or other authorized persons at least 18 years of age or older.
Campers may be picked up by Parents or other authorized pick-up persons at least 18 years or older. The authorized pick-up person should sign-out of program with a signature and time of departure. Only authorized pick-up persons specified on the registration form and who present photo identification upon request, may pick up a camper, as we will not release a child to any other persons without written permission.
Independent Arrival and Departure
If the Parent chooses to have the camper arrive to camp without an authorized drop-off person to sign them in, or if the Parent chooses to have the camper to be able to leave camp without an authorized pick-up person, Parents must authorize an independent arrival and/or an independent departure at the time of registration. Campers who are authorized in writing to depart independently from camp will be signed out by a staff member at the time designated by the parent.
Field Trip Policies
Wisconsin Youth Company believes field trips and special activities away from the site are an important part of a quality program. Field trip information including dates, arrival and departure times, and destination will be included in This Week at Camp tab of the welcome website.
If a field trip needs to be changed due to weather concerns, construction, facility closure, etc., an email will be sent to Parents as soon as the trip is confirmed to change. On all field trips, staff will carry first aid supplies, attendance, registration information, emergency medications, and a program cell phone.
School Cancellations and Closings
If school or community center buildings are closed due to excessive heat, inclement weather, physical facility problems or other emergencies, immersion camp will not operate. School closing announcements will be made on email, incoming message and/or our website, In the event of excessive heat, if schools are open, but the heat is considered a safety concern, we may ask that Parents pick up their camper(s) as early as possible. Wisconsin Youth Company will do their best to relocated performances if they coincide with excessive heat or school closings.
Immersion Camp Fee Structure
During registration, a $50 deposit per immersion camp is required to reserve space in the program. The deposit will be applied to the camper’s weekly fee and is non-refundable and non-transferable.
General Fee Policies
Wisconsin Youth Company Immersion Camp fees are based on operation costs for each immersion program. Our fees are calculated based on the hours of program, number of days, facility fees charged by each district and support expenses. Current fees for immersion camps are available on our website. Fees will not be pro-rated for missed days, holidays, school closures (due to weather or other reasons) or schedule changes that don’t coincide with billing period start dates. Billing periods are bi-weekly. Payment is due on the Monday prior to the start of each bi-weekly billing period.