Wisconsin Youth Company


Please note: Families are varied and the use of the word Parent(s) refers to the adult(s) who are responsible for the child(ren).

Required Information for Enrollment

We collect information about children enrolling in our program, their Parent(s), and at least one emergency contact. We collect this information to be in compliance with Department of Children and Families (DCF) requirements, to provide quality program and to help ensure the safety of children in our program. Required, completed information must be obtained before children can attend program. (Signatures may be digital or manual.)

Parents may register online at wisconsinyouthcompany.org.

Child Information

We collect basic information about each child, their health history and specific information regarding enrollment in our program. More information about the health history and emergency care plan process can be found in the following section of the program handbook.

Basic Child Information Health History Program Information

  • Full name
  • Birth date
  • Swim level (program specific)
  • T-shirt size (program specific)

Health History

  • Child’s immunization record or waiver
  • Contact information of child’s physician or clinic
  • Authorization for use of sunscreen
  • Authorization for use of insect repellent
  • Behavioral and physical health diagnosis
  • Necessary accommodations

Program Information

  • Child’s grade
  • Child’s school
  • Program location
  • Program start date
  • Program attendance schedule
  • Arrival and departure procedure

Parent Information

We collect Parent contact information and other account information. More information about account access and privacy can be found in the Confidentiality section of the program handbook.

Parent Information

  • Full name
  • Relationship to child
  • Home address
  • Best address during program hours
  • Email
  • Phone number(s)
  • Best phone number during program hours
  • Indicate who the child resides with

Account Information

  • Account password
  • Account security question
  • Financial assistance source (if applicable)

Emergency Contact and Authorized Pick-up Person Information

A minimum of one emergency contact is required. Emergency contacts must be 18 years of age or older and be available during program hours. In an emergency when Parents and listed emergency contact persons cannot be reached, emergency dispatch (911) will be called.

Authorized pick-up persons must be 18 years of age or older. Parents wanting anyone under the age of 18 to pick up their child must authorize an independent departure. Parents will be considered authorized pick-up persons unless otherwise noted. Program staff may not be an authorized pick-up person.

Emergency Contact and Pick-up Person Information

  • Full name
  • Relationship to the child
  • Best email during program hours
  • Best phone number during program hours

Health History and Emergency Care Plan

Prior to confirmation of registration, Parents will provide completed health history and emergency care plan information. Parents are required to review and update this information bi-annually (each school year and/or summer) including immunizations and current health conditions. Please note that in the event of changes to your child(ren)’s health or an accommodation plan, it is the responsibility of the Parent of the child(ren) to contact their administrative office to update child(ren)’s information, i.e. change or addition of medication, injury to child, IEP.

Parents who decline to have their child immunized for religious, health or personal reasons must complete re- quired waiver documentation to enroll their child in the program.

Enrollment and Confirmation Process

Only Parents may enroll children in the program. Other adults interested in enrolling a child should contact the
office for assistance.

After a registration is received, the information is reviewed for completion and accuracy, and Parents may be contacted for additional information. The following are required for enrollment:

  • Signed payment of fees agreement
  • Signed account access authorization
  • Signed release of information to Madison Accreditation Program (Madison only)
  • Signed photo release
  • Signed registration agreement
  • Signed emergency medical care or treatment release

Start dates in the program will be confirmed for registrations that have completed information and required payment of registration fee. Children may not participate in the program without this confirmation. Parents are notified by email or by phone of their child’s confirmed enrollment into the program and will receive a welcome packet by email (or by mail if no email address is provided).

Registrations are processed in the order in which they are received, and children are enrolled in programs on a first-come first-served basis. It may take up to two weeks for registrations to be processed.

Cancellations and Changes

Requests for schedule change or withdrawal of enrollment must be received in writing (email is sufficient) by the administrative offices by the end of the business day Friday (5 p.m.) six business days prior to the start of a new billing period. Effective dates of schedule changes must coincide with the start of billing periods. Requests to increase schedule mid-billing cycle will be accommodated with added days on a space-available basis until the next billing cycle begins. Fee adjustments will not be made for a schedule reduction in days occurring mid-billing cycle.

In order to protect the confidentiality of your information, changes to health information must be made through the administrative office. Parents are also to inform the office in writing of any changes in address, home or work numbers, emergency contact and/or authorized pick-up information, and all other registration information. This information cannot be updated online through the Parent Portal once a registration is submitted.